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World Population Day- Astounding Facts of 2020

World Population Day 2019 Things One Should Know - BW Businessworld

On 11th July 2020, we have observed the “World Population Day”. Every year, we take this day as opportunity to spread awareness among the public regarding the prevailing issues related to world population. It is to take a breath in continuous race of life and see where we were, where we are and where to go in future. After analysis of data every year, the goal is to ascertain a strategy to maintain balance between resources and population. As resources of world are defined and limited whereas growth of population is limitless. It can go as far as we want it to go. But the results will be devastating. We are already suffering the severe issues already and if we go with same pace, many more will come in way.
  • From the start, world population increased at slow pace owing to poor health facilities, low fertility rate, high death rate. 
  • Unlike today, pandemic used to wipe out the population in one go with no time to think about. Millions and millions rested in peace in no time.
  • Wars and natural disasters had also eaten up large number of population. Unlike today, population was at greater risk.
  • To reach the figure of 1 billion, world took around hundreds of years. That’s shows the slow growth rate of population.
  • From 1 billion to 7 billion, human took only more or less than 200 years. That’s a fast progress on part of humans.
  • More impressive is that from 1960 to 2000, the population got doubled. From 3 billion to 6 billion in no time. Although, this time was age of industrialization, age of no spare time, still human managed to grow at such fast rate.
  • Today, we have a count of approx. 7.7 billion, which was approx. 7 billion in 2011 and with the present pace, it will reach 10.9 billion after 80 years but before that will hit 8.5 billion in 2030 and in 2050 expected to be 9.7 billion.·
  • In contrast to increasing world population, Fertility rate is on decline. Earlier, each woman had large number of kids as compared today. Immediately after 1960, approx. 4 to 5 children per woman was the common number but with time it has decreased and now it is around 2 to 3 kids per woman.
  • The factor that contributed in increase in population world is “Long Life Span”. Now, on average, human lives long as compared to early years of world. In simple mathematics, numbers of entrants in world are more than the departed one. Then, obvious outcome is the increase in population of world. The average life of human is now approx. 73 years. Whereas, it was approx. 65 years during the early years. Approx 8 years have been added to life of human. 8 years with average 1% annual population growth rate results in 8x individuals in place of one departure from world. Anyhow, increase in lifespan is the proud achievement of humans and further efforts will increase it with time. It is estimated that human will live around 77 years by 2050 and after end of 2100, average age of human will be 83 years.
  • Increase in life span has resulted in decrease of death rate. As now, with better facilities in life, we are more secure against life taking threats. 
  • Overall, the world is taking initiatives to control the growth of population. However, few countries still have alarming growth rate of population and it is expected that in coming year countries like India, Pakistan, USA, Indonesia and few African nations will constitute the half of world’s population. 
  • Asia is and will have the main chunk of world population. China, India, Indonesia and Pakistan are populated countries of world.
  • On basis of gender, World population is at balance. Number of males is equal of number of females. But the sex ratio of female per new birth is little more than male. That can lead to female majority world in future.
  • To curb the fast growth rate of population, Methods of “Family Planning” have been in practice since long and now the acceptance of these methods have been increased. Now, around 50% of women have adopted the modern family planning methods. However, 9% still ended with Unmet need that resulted in large number of unintended pregnancies.
  • On the basis age wise distribution, today world is approx. 65% of human having ages between 15-64, less than 15 year age are 25% and remaining 10% are above 65 years. With the increase in life span, world will have more aged people than a youth.
  • Europe is considered by far the developed part of world. It is surprising to learn that population of Europe is decreasing from past few years as compared to population of Africa that is the less developed part of world and facing the poverty by large. 
  • World is converting to a urban stuff at very fast pace. Rural area and population is decreasing and with establishment of more and more cities, migration to urban area from rural area has increased. Due to the present trend, it is expected that near 2050, cities of world will have 70% of total population of the world.
  • Although at present China is the populated country of World but within time not more than a decade that it is expected that India will beat China in this race with the population number that will be the largest of all.
  • United State of America is presently the third largest country of world in term of population. However, by 2100, fast growing African country i.e. Nigeria will take its place.
  • Africa is the more effected continent of world by poverty. But its pace for annual growth of population is increasing that will lead in increase of population by two times during coming years. 
  • In contrast to attain the position for most populated country, Vatican City is happy to have a tag of country with world lowest population.
With all above facts, it is evident that world populations is at rise. But the question is this whether we can manage to give basic necessity of life to this growing population. Answer is yes but it requires a lot of resource management at our part. Today, courtesy to data available, Parts of world that are now the points of rapid increase in population are identified. We have to further investigate the reasons behind the uncontrolled increase in population of these areas. To chart out the strategy to have control. As the world is one entity and global issue like population growth needs to be dealt at global level.
