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COVID-19 Coronavirus News- Pandemic is still at rise

COVID-19 Coronavirus is the pandemic faced by world today. The COVID-19 Coronavirus pandemic started from city of Wuhan, China.Within the few months, Coronavirus has spread all ower the world.

Starting from few hundred cases of COVID-19 Coronavirus, now world is having hundred of thousands cases everyday and most dangerous fact is that the cases are at rise.

Although the death rate of coronvirus is low but as the infection spread rate is so high that it has been spreaded in large population and in result large number of deaths.

Today more than 14,190,414 people around the world are reported to have COVID-19 Coronavirus. The count of number of new cases at rise.

The count of number of new cases is around 2,50,000 everyday. Seeing the trend, it is evident that COVID-19 Coronavirus is still at rise and it is anticipated that peak of pandemic is still to achieve.

Number of deaths caused by coronavirus is near 600,000 all over the world. The death is little higer than 4%. It has been seen that number of deaths have been decreased as compared to past days.

However, death rate is still at higher side. 60% of the infected are fully recovered now. 36% are the active cases now with approx 60,000 critical patients.

Although world has taken strict measures to stop the spread of COVID-19 Coronavirus pandemic. However, the spread rate of pandemic is still at rise.


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