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Mary Trump Book Review: Too Much & Never Enough: How My Family Created The World's Most Dangerous Man

Book "Too Much & Never Enough:  How My Family Created the World's Most Dangerous Man" has became the world best selling book with around sale of 9,50,000 copies on its first day. It is a new record for publishers of this book.

Before going with Mary Trump book review, first have a quick look on the profile of the author of the book. The author of the book is Marry Trump. She is the niece of Donald Trump, the president of United States of America. Being niece of  USA president is the biggest recognition of the author so far. As before the publication of the work. Mary Trump is not much known to the world. She came in limelight just after the publication of book.

Marry Trump is the daughter of Donald Trump brother.  She has one brother only. Mary Trump acquired the master's degree in literature from the University of Columbia University. Afterward. she got doctorate in psychology from the University of  Adelphi University.

Now on the basis of important content of the book, its time to have Mary Trump book review.

  • The book is centered about the President Donald Trump.
  • The book is strange claims about the president of United States of America.
  • The book establishes that President has not been the stable person.
  • Donald Trump was never the right choice as resident of White House.
  • Donald Trump the president of United States of America has been the practitioner of ill trail "Cheating".  He made it part of life to get success in life. Like he arranged that smart boy of his class during school time sat in place of him to give exam. Donald Trump has grown up with it.
  • Donald Trump's brhaviour with women is already the much debated topic. He has been considered worst in it. Mary Trump further has added on it by writing that her uncle also passed shamefull remarks against her.
  • The book includes the information related to Tax matters of Donald Trump and his family. The author thanks to Donald Trump's sister in this regard.
  • According to author, President Donald Trump has a habit of regifting. Author and her brother had most regifted items from Donald Trump and his family.
  • The author establishes that due to shortcomings during the childhood, the president Donald Trump has not grown as emotionally stable man. Instead, he has many bad physcological problems with him.

With the content of book, the author try to convey that White House does not have a right man in it. The president Donald Trump has very serious personality disorders with him. Now, he has been given to drive the whole system of United State of Ameria which put the lives of all amercians under danger.
