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Biggest Charity of the World- Muslim's Event Eid-ul- Adha

With each passing day, World is becoming the tough place to live. With increasing financial stress and difficulties, it is getting hard for humans to cope with inflation and to fulfill their basic needs. All efforts are rendered for fulfillment of personnel and family needs. Due to this financial crunch, the thought of charity is going behind. People are less bother about charity now. Charity is basically help of needy people around us. It is done to help the needy people in any way, it can be by giving money, food, clothes or fulfilling any need of person or family. Charity is done on individual basis. Organizations are also there to collect the charity of individuals and spend the collective resources in such a way to produce good results by helping more people. In different countries of the world, charity programs are running by Governments.  If we dig out to find the biggest charity of the world. The answer will be " Eid ul Adha". Eid ul Adha is the biggest charity of the

Birthday Decoration at Home - Things to Buy

Birthday decoration at home is the key thought for them who are planning to celebrate birthday of dear ones at home. During COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic it is not possible to arrange birthday party outside the home. Besides the present restriction, it is also not affordable for all to have birthday party outside the home. But celebrating birthday is the desire of many of us. For celebration of birthday of kids, more efforts are required for birthday decoration at home. For elder, most times, birthday cake is more than enough. But for kids, you have to do birthday decoration at home to make them happy.  Now come to the scenario that our goal is to have birthday decoration at home in limited budget without spending extra. We will have look on things that are easily available in market and their arrangement is also not difficult. With use of little mind, one can have best arrangement for birthday party. If you are more creative then you can get more good results. BIRTHDAY BAN NERS Birthd


COVID-19 is the worst pandemic faced by World in modern times. Since its outbreak at China at start of 2020, it is spreading and spreading all over the World. Every country of World has been effected by it. It has caused the large number of deaths all over the World.  All country of World adopted almost the similar approach to curb the outspread of pandemic. The key tool has been "lock down". At intial stages, all countries have imposed full lockdown. But with time, due to financial problems, countries relaxed the lockdown and lateron opted for smart lockdown. Developed countries of World maintained complete lockdown for long duration. Origin of the coronavirus that is China, has controlled the spread of COVID-19. New Zealand is the country that has fully defeated the pandemic. Most infected countries like Italy, Spain & Iran have also achieved the decline in outspread of coronavirus. But what wrong happened for United States of America. United States of America is the mo

Mary Trump Book Review: Too Much & Never Enough: How My Family Created The World's Most Dangerous Man

Book "Too Much & Never Enough:  How My Family Created the World's Most Dangerous Man" has became the world best selling book with around sale of 9,50,000 copies on its first day. It is a new record for publishers of this book. Before going with Mary Trump book review, first have a quick look on the profile of the author of the book. The author of the book is Marry Trump. She is the niece of Donald Trump, the president of United States of America. Being niece of  USA president is the biggest recognition of the author so far. As before the publication of the work. Mary Trump is not much known to the world. She came in limelight just after the publication of book. Marry Trump is the daughter of Donald Trump brother.  She has one brother only. Mary Trump acquired the master's degree in literature from the University of Columbia University. Afterward. she got doctorate in psychology from the University of  Adelphi University. Now on the basis of important cont

COVID-19 Coronavirus News- Pandemic is still at rise

COVID-19 Coronavirus is the pandemic faced by world today. The COVID-19 Coronavirus pandemic started from city of Wuhan, China.Within the few months, Coronavirus has spread all ower the world. Starting from few hundred cases of COVID-19 Coronavirus, now world is having hundred of thousands cases everyday and most dangerous fact is that the cases are at rise. Although the death rate of coronvirus is low but as the infection spread rate is so high that it has been spreaded in large population and in result large number of deaths. Today more than 14,190,414 people around the world are reported to have COVID-19 Coronavirus. The count of number of new cases at rise. The count of number of new cases is around 2,50,000 everyday. Seeing the trend, it is evident that COVID-19 Coronavirus is still at rise and it is anticipated that peak of pandemic is still to achieve. Number of deaths caused by coronavirus is near 600,000 all over the world. The death is little higer than 4%. I

Five Best Football leagues in Europe 2020

Football is the sport that has biggest football following worldwide. People all over the world follow the football events with passion . Unlike other sports of world, football has few events that are played by national team. Worldcup is played after every four years. Next event to follow is euro cup. Due to less number of events played by national team, football's fans follow the league of football clubs. There are many football league around the world.  Europe is the epicenter of football. Top teams and players of football are from europe. Similarly, best leagues of the world are best football leagues in Europe. Top players around the world join the best football leagues in europe. Majority of the footballs's fans around the world follow the best leages in europe every year. Top managers of football clubs also join the best leagues in europe. La Liga ( ) La Liga is one the best football leagues in europe. It is a spanish league. Top foot

Big Sporting Events to follow - Sporting Calendar 2020 (August)

Year 2020 has been disappointing year for Sport's lover. Outbreak of COVID-19 Pandemic had postponed lot of major events of sport world. Major events with huge following were suspended. In first 6 months of 2020, the viewers remained deprived of their favorite sports. Now as the situation is getting better. Sport's arenas are again back to life. Still, safety measures are in practice and sports event are taking place without spectators. It is still sign of relief for sports followers to at least have a live broadcast of their favorite sport at home. So its time to have a look on schedule of some of major events in world of sport that have massive fan following. Here, Sporting Calendar 2020 (August) is being offered to adjust your schedule to accommodate the opportunity to watch sports event live. Champions League Final ( )  If your are a football lover. Then, do not miss to watch Champions League Final on 23rd August 2020.

Best Free Video Calling Applications - Work From Home

Video Calling has been in use for conversation between family and friends. Meetings with international customers/colleagues have also been done through video calling. But the use of video calling for education purpose and local work assignments was less. Spread of COVID-19 has changed the scenario all together. First line of action has been the complete lock down. Closure of all education institution. Offices were closed. At start people acted as directed by government by complete closure of all businesses later it has been felt that there should be some way to run the daily affairs alongwith safety measures against pandemic. The solution came out to be video calling. Now, every business has been resumed via video calling. Education institutions have started online classes. Doctors have started online checkup of patients. People on jobs are working from home. Business meetings are now scheduled on video calling. Either Government or Private sector has running with video calling.

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Spread From December 2019 to June 2020

December 2019 In Wuhan, China having population of 11 million, cases of pneumonia although different from pneumonia were observed and same were reported to WHO with declaration of virus as unknown. January 2020 The virus started to spread from market of China that is dealing with Seafood. As a first step, the market was closed by administration. The virus started to spread a higher rate. Earlier it was thought as spread of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), but later on it was ruled out. After findings, a new virus was discovered that is COVID-19. First death was reported in China, the patient was identified as COVID-19 effected. The virus started to spread outside China. Thailand was the next country to house coronavirus which was spread in coming days in the America, Nepal, France, Australia, Malaysia, Singapore, South Korea, Vietnam and Taiwan. The virus started to spread outside Wuhan to other provinces of China. A

World Population Day- Astounding Facts of 2020

On 11 th July 2020, we have observed the “World Population Day”. Every year, we take this day as opportunity to spread awareness among the public regarding the prevailing issues related to world population. It is to take a breath in continuous race of life and see where we were, where we are and where to go in future. After analysis of data every year, the goal is to ascertain a strategy to maintain balance between resources and population. As resources of world are defined and limited whereas growth of population is limitless. It can go as far as we want it to go. But the results will be devastating. We are already suffering the severe issues already and if we go with same pace, many more will come in way. From the start, world population increased at slow pace owing to poor health facilities, low fertility rate, high death rate.  Unlike today, pandemic used to wipe out the population in one go with no time to think about. Millions and millions rested in peace in n

Smart Lock down is the more effective tool against COVID-19 Pandemic

Since the outbreak of COVID-19 Pandemic, most countries opted the complete lock down strategy. This resulted in complete shutdown of economy. Its aftereffect included job loss, inflation and many other devastating outcomes. In contrast, the desirable success did not achieve. COVID-19 spread and effected the people. In most countries, the wave attained the peak and now on declined mode but the impact on economy is seemed to be last more. County with poor economy went for smart lock down as they could not afford complete shutdown of business. Surprisingly, they attained the better result. Spread rate far less than developed countries having all closure of works.  Since it is expected that second wave of pandemic can effect the world. For now, smart lock down is the better option to choose.